What Is My Incentive?
Join a vanpool to the County of Marin! This is a great opportunity for anyone looking for a better commute.
What is a vanpool? A vanpool is a group of 5-15 people who commute together to work. Typically, riders pay a regular fare and maintenance fee. Marin Transit Connect and the County have partnered with Commute with Enterprise to offer this flexible and affordable transit option to County employees.
- Each vanpool includes insurance, maintenance, and 24/7 roadside assistance.
- Riders can join on select days and be flexible about the days they want to ride each week.
- Get the time you spent commuting back in your day to catch up on work, sleep, or relax!
- Save on your commute costs by splitting fare and fuel with pretax dollars.
- Take advantage of the Bay Area Vanpool Program to earn $350/month toward your vanpool fare.
- Benefits-eligible County employee receives $60 per month in RideGreen incentive toward their portion of the vanpool fare.
- Vanpools help reduce carbon emissions.
- Vanpools may register to park in preferred parking spaces.
- County employees are supported by the Emergency Ride Home Program in the event of an emergency.
- It is important to note that vanpools are not considered work vehicles, and participating employees are not acting within the course and scope of their employment while commuting. Time spent commuting will not be counted towards work hours.
Learn more about vanpooling! To receive subsidies for the following month, the vanpool needs to be formed by the 10th day of the prior month. Visit Commute With Enterprise to see if you match with an existing vanpool.
The Vanpool Incentive Process
- Contact Kyle Morrow of Commute With Enterprise to receive more details and get started in a vanpool.
- You will receive details on the determined fare and maintenance fee amount along with a Participant ID and Vanpool ID.
- Create an Optum Financial account at MarinCounty.OptumFinancial.com to pay for vanpools. For instructions on how to create and manage a Optum Financial account, follow the Optum Financial Commuter Benefits Instructions.
- Vanpool orders must be placed by the 10th of each month.
Don't forget, vanpoolers can also request preferred parking at the Civic Center and the Health and Wellness Center!
For more information, visit the RideGreen FAQs.
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